Sunday morning


I had a lovely day off yesterday with a couple of very good friends. We were supposed to travel to a local knitters festival but I was put off by a terrible weather forecast. Dr. Reed Timmer travelled up to our corner of the world in his fancy vehicle in order to hopefully chase a tornado. Our city didn’t see much action but I think to the south of us there were some terrible thunderstorms and rotation over the Great Lakes. So instead of driving, we stayed put and enjoyed a day of friendship and knitting/stitching. It was great!

I’m hoping to finish the 4th design of Frosty Forest later this week, they are such sweet easy finishes – like candy! I’m enjoying the linen that was chosen for this stitch – over 2 with two threads on 32 count. There is good coverage with the thread and the design colours show nicely on the grey fabric.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Posted in Cross Stitch, Life | 2 Comments

Back Home

We are all back home in the city, safe and sound. I know that I said the same thing last year, but the city is so LOUD! The sirens, the roadwork that is everywhere with jackhammers and huge trucks… I find re-entry to be overwhelming. Add to that two children needing to get back into school routines, my own teaching schedule and the work that I do for my husbands’ business that is 5 weeks behind? It’s very easy to want to just pull the covers back over my head in the morning. I also shouldn’t be here, but I really want to start more frequent updates for myself and post some photos to remember what I was working on and doing at this particular time. So – no editing. Thoughts will be rambling and stream of consciousness until a few weeks have gone by and we are settled.

Something to share: I learned how to make a box bag this summer!


I’ll tell you about the yarn that’s going in it tomorrow 😉

And – how are you all doing??

Posted in Fabric, Life | 2 Comments

Finally finished


Phew! I started this in 2012. After I put the finishing stitches in last night on the saucer, I reflected on why this small little piece took me so long. If you look at that nickel up there, I think fellow stitchers will understand immediately. This was tiny. Really , really teeny tiny….. I’ve lost the fabric info long ago but if I had to guess I’d say 25 count, and I’ve stitched one thread over one. It was not fun. I don’t have trouble seeing it, I use a very good light and my eyes are 42 years old. I’m sure in a few years time I will need more magnification. My kids think I’m ancient, but I think I’m still fairly spry – at least in the eye department. My real problem was that I really struggled to make the stitches neat. At this size, I had to just stab and hope for the best. I like things to be neat and when I look closely, the stitches aren’t as tidy as I would like them. The pattern is gorgeous, and very clear. It’s an Alessandra Adelaide Needleworks design, aptly named “Coffee” and I used two of the three DMC colours as charted, 842 and 3862 – but I switched out the 779 for 938.


To save on data and avoid uploading another photo here – check out my IG photo from yesterday. My little boy learned how to kayak! He was so sure of himself and confident in the water, what a great experience. John swam out into the bay behind him to give him some guidance and then he was paddling and smiling over the deep water. What a difference in his confidence! My daughter has been here with me for the last two weeks instead of choosing to head back to town with her friends and we’ve been hanging out, painting our nails and watching Gilmore Girls. We are both very much looking forward to the Nov.25 reboot on Netflix and have planned to spend that evening together with pizza and glue ourselves to the TV. It’s been a fantastic summer. I’m eking out every last minute.


Posted in Cross Stitch, Finally finished, Life | 5 Comments

Wednesday yarn along

It’s been awhile since I’ve joined in with Ginny’s yarn along, and now that I can upload photos again it’s a nice chance to reconnect with other knitters/crocheters/readers.

The Umaro blanket that I’m knitting for my mother is coming along – I need to knit about 25 more inches and then it’s done done DONE!


I’m reading the Magician King by Lev Grossman – a very adult sort of Harry Potter if I had to describe it and this is the second book in a trilogy. I’m enjoying it.

My Sampler Cove is coming along:


I’ve just put it away for now and my AAN coffee cup is back on the stretcher bars in hopes of a finish before Labour Day weekend.

Last week, I took the opportunity to take some photos of the loon who floats around the bay. He calls frequently and the answering call is a haunting echo – beautiful to hear and so evocative of our unique area of Canada.


Posted in Knitting, Life, yarn along | 6 Comments


John thought that my problem was probably that my photos were too large and slow (which I also thought was the case, but I didn’t know how to change them) so he helped me to resize them and look out – here I go again! I’ve missed posting here, I’m a bit chatty (my son comes by it honestly) and it’s really nice for me to have a place to lay down some memories.

A quick update on a few project:

Sarah's sock

I’ve been working on a new pair of socks for Sarah, my first pair ended in disaster when the second sock was way smaller than the first – complete user error, I switched needles and will have to wait until I’m back in the city to borrow the other needles again. These are for my daughter, the only reason she gets them is because her feet are done growing…


This was my start on Sampler Cove’s “Dido” – I love it, and it’s a slightly smaller project that I think will be completed soonish (less than a year?)


My Alessandra Adelaide coffee cup is very close to a finish. Once my guests have left, I hope to get after this next week and finish it up.


I sometimes have a hard time getting guests to leave 😉 I can’t really blame them…..

Posted in Knitting, Life | 4 Comments

Insert photo here…

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to post here, only to be absolutely thwarted by slow internet and photos refusing to upload. We have already gone WAY over our data plan for the summer and it is frustrating to try and post and get nowhere.




That said, I have been able to post on Instagram every day, little snippets of our life and my projects throughout the summer and we are having a great time. I’m going to have to throw in the towel on this little space and return in September – prepare yourself for an onslaught of photos once I can use the wifi willy nilly.

One bit to share as an update – Nicholas can now swim underwater with goggles and a nose plug for short distances. What an amazing thing to watch your child conquer a true fear. A good thing, indeed.

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

August, really?


I’m afraid this is it for photos today, as my internet is acting up and it was the only one that would load. It’s a good one though… It’s my unfinished September pillow in action as a coffee urn cozy. We hosted our first annual pancake breakfast for the neighbours and I borrowed my SIL’s urn from her high school. We ran the generator to brew it and then plugged it into the solar to keep it warm. I thought putting the knitting on it as a cosy was the funniest thing ever but I’m not sure the neighbours appreciated my genius or my humour. My SIL is here for 10 days and the craft productivity has gone way up. She is an expert sewer, and general all round awesome person and if I could post more pictures today, you would see all of the other wonderful things I’m working on. I’ll try again tomorrow. My second sock is almost done, and I’ve made good progress on two Sampler Cove stitching projects. Today’s job is to begin a stitch along piece from Northern Expressions – the Twisted Band Sampler. It’s really very beautiful – trust me.

Posted in Knitting, Life | 4 Comments

Blueberry season

I’ve been steadily picking away at my second sock and have completed the heel flap and pick up of the gusset stitches. I just need to finish the decreases and then clear sailing down to the toe. This stage makes me feel like I’ve knit a small kayak. The border on the tapestry continues to progress, John thinks it already looks done and wonders why I’m bothering but we all know that it must be finished correctly, right? I’m dithering about how to take of the extra fabric – either to simply trim it off (the Penelope fabric is very stiff and I think is probably what I’ll do) or sew it underneath but I think this might create too much of an uneven surface which I don’t want. I’m still reading The Dinner (phew!! what a story!) I’ll be joining my post up with Ginny today for the yarn along – always lots to see over there.


The annual picking of the blueberries has commenced in earnest. We were concerned when we arrived in late June to already find berries that had ripened way too early. They were tiny and bitter and we figured with the lack of rain and hot temps, the rest wouldn’t develop into much. I am very glad to report that I was wrong and the juniper bushes around here are hiding massive pockets of berries that are sweet and juicy. I also discovered another raspberry patch yesterday out back near our propane tanks. The canes have multiplied like crazy in the last 5 years and are producing the most I’ve ever seen here. The bear was seen yesterday morning by my father in law. He awoke early to hear a snuffling sound behind his bedroom window and looked out to see a teenage bear hugging a tree stump trying to get the bugs out for his breakfast. A clap of the hands and a loud voice sent him on his way, but I will say that I am very grateful to have the dogs here with me especially when I’m on my own.

IMG_1869 (1)


Posted in Knitting, Life, Needlepoint, yarn along | 3 Comments

Windy Monday

It’s been a very windy day. The waves are huge and I’ve seen several boats struggling a bit going through the channel that is between two small islands just off our NW side. It makes me very glad that I do not have to be out on the boat today. Speaking of the boat – I must get on and do the online boating exam. soon….. maybe tomorrow.

The blueberries have come on and the race is on to pick enough to enjoy before the bear or seagulls beat us to them. This was a recipe found on – Blueberry Banana muffins, I added a bit of extra sugar to the top and they were really very nice for breakfast. The wild raspberry canes that surround the back of the cottage are having their best year yet and I’ve been able to pick a (small) serving of tiny berries each morning for the last three days with lots more still to come. There were wild blackberries in the front, but I think John may have had the lumber dumped on top of them for the walls and I’m not sure they’ll survive. Eddie the beagle always found and ate them before I could pick them in the past anyways and I think the walls appearing around me are worth sacrificing the possibility of a few blackberries 😉


Thank you for the suggestions and help for the swimming lessons – they are not going particularly well, but we soldier on – patience and more patience being the key I think. Abject terror in your child is heart wrenching, I will say.


Sigh. Isn’t she beautiful? Amtrak by Sampler Cove – tiny, precise, perfect stitches in just three colours. It’s perfect and I am really enjoying every stitch – even the parts that I had to rip out and re-stitch….

My tapestry took a back seat to this as it needs miles and miles of brown wool added to the border, and if that isn’t a bit soul sucking when there are so many pretty things to work on? What’s funny is that we’re already using the tapestry as is, unfinished – and the needle sits parked in place, awaiting a few more rounds when I get to it. I won’t leave you in suspense, it’s a table runner, which I’m sure you guessed. We use an outdoor 8ft cedar table as our main dining table here and the 6ft bell pull doesn’t look quite so ridiculous when used as a table runner!!

Posted in Cross Stitch, Life, Needlepoint | 2 Comments

A Finish and a long forgotten UFO unearthed – long post, you’ll need a cup of tea or something

It’s another beautiful Monday in the Bay. A bit of cloud coverage today is helping to keep the worst of the heat in check and later N and I will go for a swim. His swimming “lessons” with me are not going well. He has always been terrified of the water and putting his face in (even in the bathtub), is torture. Up until now, we’ve let him be. (really, really terrified – as in diarrhea before his lessons. I even paid for him to have private lessons with a girl who is the kindest most patient soul I’ve ever known and he wouldn’t leave the stairs to go into the pool – sweet mercy, the screaming. Now, we live on an island in the summer, so life jackets and super vigilant behaviour have been how we’ve handled things so far and fortunately he was not an adventurous toddler, but the time has come. Next year at school, every kid in grade 3 (this may be province wide, or maybe just our school board, not sure) has to take a series of lessons called “swim to survive” and I figured he would rather get over the screaming and crying here with me in the lake than in a pool surrounded by his friends. He will now just barely go into water where he can’t quite touch (with the life jacket on) and can dog paddle quite well for a very short period of time. He will NOT put his face in. The screaming, the crying, the begging, the shrieks of “I HATE THAT YOU”RE MAKING ME DO THIS!!!” are truly heart breaking and I’m certain that neighbours all over Georgian Bay (trust me – sound carries over water) think I am just the most horrible mother in existence. But, we will carry on – maybe today is the day!

So, I’ve been stitching! I finished up this wee counted canvas that has been patiently waiting its turn in the stash. It’s a Needle Delights Original design and was kitted up by Kathy and Neale from Thread and Eye for an annual retreat a few years ago. I was teaching at the retreat that year (Temari) and felt totally left out of the other kids were doing so had to buy the kit to make my own. It’s so sweet, but I can’t quite bring myself to use it as a coaster, so I found a little corner on a wall (a wall!! I have some actual real walls up here now – a stitcher’s dream!) and hung it proudly this morning in the kitchen.


Now, for my buried treasure. Remember my William Morris tapestry? I actually stitched this piece first from the same Beth Russell book. It was to be a lovely bell pull. I had been called for jury duty (murder trial – certainly a life experience I can check off the bucket list never to repeat, I was required in court every business day for weeks and sequestered for a night before giving the verdict) Anyhoo. I armed myself with a canvas, a lap frame, the pattern and a ton of wool. Kathy had measured everything based on the Penelope canvas I was using and I thought little of it, other than rolling the extra around the bars and stitched away. A lot of time was spent in the jury room – a lot. It was quite boring a large part of the time, but as you know – a crafter is never bored. I stitched, and rolled the completed up fabric as I went. Eventually I finished it and took it off the frame. To my shock, it was just over 6 feet long. It looked ridiculous. Seriously ridiculous, but so much work had gone into it – I couldn’t just get rid of it? So I tucked it into a drawer until a few years ago when I brought it up here and thought that maybe just maybe I could do something with it that would make sense. It’s taken three years of thinking but I think I’ve got it now and finishing off that canvas last night gave me an idea. I have a bit more work to do on it now because the border will need to be a bit wider, but stay tuned…… Maybe in a week, I’ll show you what I’m going to turn it into.


If you’re still with me after the novel I’ve written, I’ll leave you with a funny Daria picture. She sleeps like this all the time, letting us walk around and over her – never more soundly than after a swim and a rootle around in the mink hidey holes. I’m waiting for the day she gets a nasty surprise on her snout.


Posted in Finally finished, Life, Needlepoint | 8 Comments