
Seems that blue is my colour lately, I find myself drawn to it. I remembered that I had purchased a few skeins of yarn last year with a bit of birthday money for the specific purpose of making a September Pillow from Quince & Co. For those who are bothered by multiple unfinished projects, may I quietly suggest that you cover your eyes and perhaps go and read something else. . I suspect that those of you who do read may have figured out by now that I am a serial starter. I love the process, most of the time more than the actual finished project. Though humbly, the stuff I make is awesome so I like the finished stuff too. I do finish things, but given that I like large projects, and need lots of different bits and bobs happening at the same time, the WIP pile is a constant source of delight. When I rediscover a project, I find that my taste really hasn’t changed all that much from when I began whatever it was and I happily pick it up again like it was yesterday. It’s just like how the very best friendships feel. Also, John is a saint who has gotten very used to the various random piles of fabric, yarn and needles all over the house, so it’s all good. I just need a few extra hours each day to stitch and knit and sew ALL of the things. Since it’s Thanksgiving this weekend, I will be thankful for my healthy family, and the knowledge to cast on a bit of blue yarn and somehow turn it into a pillow. Eventually.


Oh, and I also read books the same way – in multiples. I started this one in March and misplaced it. I found it yesterday so have picked it back up again. I think I was 15 the last time I read two Stephen King novels in the same year let alone at the same time. 11/22/63 is a terrific book and I’m really enjoying it, as is John. Mr. Mercedes is much more typically gruesome King and as always – a good yarn. My audiobook at the moment is Diana Gabaldon’s “Written in my Own Heart’s Blood”. Has that woman ever written a short novel?

Happy Wednesday to you!

Joining with Ginny

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7 Responses to blue

  1. I can’t wait to read the new Gabaldon! That yarn is beautiful. And, I never read King…I get way to scared way to easily.

  2. Tonya says:

    Oh, I read and knit the same way. It makes me feel better to read that someone else does too.

  3. Gracie says:

    Ahhh more we have in common: I have multiple stitching projects and multiple books that I am reading! Also, the blue yarn in the photo above reminds me of the bulky blue wool merino I am using to knit a blanket. This morning I started reading “Every Little Thing: Making a World of Difference Right Where You Are” but I haven’t stitched anything yet today 🙂 Wishing a Happy Day to you, Caroline. xx

  4. Adrienne says:

    You do love your Q&Co yarns. The blue is gorgeous! Love it!

  5. John says:

    Saint John loves his sweater which you did eventually finish!!

  6. fawn says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!
    That blue is so lovely.

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